about dana

Baseball Mom

Sales and Marketing Education Consultant

Amateur Baker

I was done with working away from home, after a year, i had a viable business

When I had my son, I was a middle school Spanish teacher. For many reasons, I wanted to work from home so I could be home with him.

I decided to "try" being a travel agent. I had no business background and had no education in how to do all this.

My business took off and I noticed that I had a system that I used to grow ....

So now, after 11 years, I am breaking down the language of sales and marketing for other travel agents.

My experience as a teacher has made it easy to break it down for others so they can see sales they never could've imagined.

I design programs for agents who want to see growth through coaching and seminars.

Agency owners often want to create education programs. However, the overwhelm of running an agency along with bookings, they lack the time to develop curriculum. I help them by designing programs for both their experienced and new agents.


They need to know, like, and trust YOU

The secret... is being authentically you and showing up consistently as the expert in your niche so that strangers will have enough trust in you to hand over a credit card to deposit their vacation. And this is what I teach other agents through my programs.